DUI Defense Lawyer in Melbourne, FL
Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys Ready to Help
Being charged with a criminal offense does not mean your case is over. You are still innocent until proven guilty, and no matter how bad the situation may seem at the time of your arrest, the circumstances are almost never as damning as you may be led to believe.
The law has many protections for people charged with a crime, including the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. As tempting as it may be to try and explain the situation at the time of your arrest or at your first court hearing, it is in your best interests to remain silent until you can consult with an attorney. Anything you say after your arrest can be used against you in court, and it is surprisingly easy to say something incriminating even if you are innocent.
Don't talk to anyone before you've spoken to a defense lawyer. Call (321) 360-4446 today!
Why Choose Our Board-Certified Attorneys for Your Defense
The team at Funk, Szachacz & Diamond have handled many high profile criminal cases. Our entire team of attorneys work as a team on every case, meaning you benefit from the skills and experiences of three highly capable lawyers when you hire our firm.
Our practice areas include:
Criminal convictions can follow you your entire life, even if you do not have a prison sentence. Our attorneys are zealous defenders of a criminal defendant’s rights. We can help you navigate the criminal court system and plan your defense strategy.
Schedule an appointment with our team today by calling (321) 360-4446.